Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Most Important Features of CPR Manikins

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation shortly known as CPR is the procedure to perform specific tasks near the chest region to save people from a heart attack or sudden trauma. The CPR is a very critical task because it could either save or kill the patient in a matter of seconds.
There are many tasks when it comes to CPR Provide first step is chest compression, second is Mouth to mouth resuscitation and third step is given when the patient has not recovered from the other two stages. The defibrillator only provides immediate treatment to bring the human back to the world, or else there are many chances that the patient could go to a comatose state or might lose their life.
Many colleges from various industries are given training on CPR to save people from heart strokes and other critical cases for heart and brain failure. Only a professional who is trained on the CPR could save them from dying.
To perform CPR training, there is a need for live human beings. But CPR cannot usually be implemented because it can affect their heart or the flow of blood cells to the heart and the brain. CPR manikin which guides you through the entire CPR process and ensures that your procedure is on the right track.

CPR Timeline: Every minute counts!

  • 0 – 4 minutes – brain damage not likely
  • 4 – 6 minutes – brain damage possible
  • 6 – 10 minutes – brain damage likely
  • >10 minutes – probably brain death

CPR Manikins

One of the highlights of the CPR Manikin is that it has an inbuilt LED lights which illuminate or gimmicks the flow of blood and oxygen from the brain to other vital organs of the human body. Students and other personnel would be able to visualize the effects of CPR with the right technique, and this would allow them to perform CPR in live situations.
CPR manikin is designed to allow people to understand the right methods from wrong techniques of CPR during critical situations. Some of the improper techniques are low chest compression rates, shallow compression depths, too much pressure and much more. When any of these actions take place, the LED lights in the manikin will not illuminate indicating that you are moving in the wrong direction.
The LED lights get lit up entirely when the compression rates are 100 to 120 per minute which has a depth of more than 5 cm. The lights can also be switched permanently when the compressions are too deep giving students a better idea of applying the right amount of pressure to the human body. After applying CPR onto the manikin, you would be able to receive immediate feedback without the effort for continuous supervision by trainers.
The LED lights can also be configured to give an audible sound when the right pressure is applied to the body. You also have switches to turn on and off whenever required. The Brayden Manikin also has different lights for illumination like red and white.

It’s just like a human body

CPR manikin is not anything less than a human body because it replicates every crucial anatomical feature in an adult. A live mouth to mouth resuscitation can be given by pinching the nose and tilting the head.
Even the chest portion of the manikin rises which gives you the passageway of air through the lungs. Vent holes are also provided for air to escape through the manikin, and it would not cause any problems for students because it is not made of latex, which creates few allergic reactions. The epidermis or the outer skin has been designed in such a way that you would be able to apply and remove the defibrillator pads from the bod

Durable, Repairable and Cost Effective Consumables

The manikin would be able to withstand to about one million compressions making it entirely durable for many years to come. You would also be able to replace different damaged parts of the body instead of replacing the entire manikin from Brayden and its list of authorized distributors.
Every battery charge can last up to 160,000 compressions, and the manikin also comes with a travel bag which makes it easily portable for different places and can also be used as a CPR training mat.

Fields that could benefit from

  • Air fighters (or) army
  • Firefighters
  • Doctors
  • Schools and much more
There are different models in CPR manikin and provides various purposes to students from multiple industries. IBS Medical Equipments is a global provider of medical equipment throughout Malaysia. IBS Medical Equipments offers multiple types of equipment relating to EndoscopyUrologygynaecology and CPR Manikin. For more information, visit

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How can you track your diet with the help of a blood test?

Food is nothing but safe and edible substances which consists of various healthy components like fats, carbohydrates, proteins, along with minerals and essential vitamins which gives us the energy to sustain a healthy life and a diet. It may be a derivative of various substances from plants and animals.

Every living organism needs to maintain its diet for better living. Without keeping a balance, your health would be at stake because there would not be a balance of nutrients in the human system. Nutritionists and other doctors ask their patients to stick to a healthy diet to sustain better living of life along with an enriching exercise routine.

According to the blood, every food we intake to the body causes specific metabolic changes in the system which were not analyzed by doctors earlier. Patients would get away with the doctors by lying, and doctors were not able to diagnose precisely due to this reason.

After the food is consumed by the body, with the aid of metabolism, the substances are reformed to metabolites. These metabolites can be assessed whether the patient is consuming a healthy diet or consuming junk food.

Earlier, with the help of blood tests, human blood samples were collected from time to time for higher accuracy. A few examinations have utilized urine tests to dispassionately gauge dietary adherence, anyway getting investigation volunteers to gather clear examples over time of days is troublesome, and urinalysis can distinguish constrained sorts of supplements since a few metabolites never influence it to discharge to yet are ingested and utilized by the body.

The approach, depicted in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, could give a goal and generally simple to-get measure of dietary adherence, possibly extraordinarily lessening the vulnerability of dietary admission gauges.

Researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the US exhibited their approach by demonstrating that the levels of many metabolites in the blood contrasted radically amongst treatment and control bunches selected in a clinical preliminary of the circulatory strain bringing down DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) consume fewer calories.

There were 329 blood tests from DASH preliminary members that were tried for metabolites like lipids, amino acids and other little atom results that are recognizable in the circulatory system after nourishment is expended. Utilizing an approach called "untargeted metabolomics," they found that 97 metabolites varied between the DASH gathering and the control gathering. While searching for each conceivable metabolite distinction is not helpful, the group found a center gathering of ten little atom metabolites where the differences were generally articulated. These ten will be a piece of a board of testing in future examinations.

People can also use this test and check whether their metabolism is on the right track or not. They also would be able to analyze the health of their body and check whether their diet plans are working in the proper sense or not.

The test will uncover if members influenced by their eating regimens, which regularly happens when you cut out a nutrition class or don't give yourself cheat days once per week. High-fat eating methodologies with dairy admission were effectively uncovered in the blood tests, and analysts could survey the whole eating regimen and its prosperity overall.

To abstain from backsliding, it's simpler for individuals to change their conduct by taking every day on end and not bolting a nutrition class, for example, sugars, away or else will probably yield to any temptation.

To successfully run this test, one must follow a healthy diet for almost two months for the entire metabolism in the body to change. Since every human metabolism is different when compared to others, doctors would not be able to diagnose suddenly when the patient visits the doctor without any change in the diet.

Once a healthy diet is followed, the doctor would be able to diagnose without any differences in the metabolism because the patient would have supported a strict diet to find any changes in the body.

Many similar tests could analyze whether there are any unnecessary fats in the body with a trusted accuracy. Follow your diet and visit your doctor to make the best of your health.

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Friday, July 20, 2018

What is a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is an endoscopic procedure to discover huge bowels and distal parts of the small bowels with the aid of a CCD camera. This procedure is performed when the lining of the large intestine has some abnormalities. It is performed by the doctor with the help of a thin flexible tube to your anus and slowly moving towards the rectum and the colon. The instrument which performs this task is called a colonoscope. It consists of a lens, and a light source which is entered through your body and the visuals of the lens is transmitted through the video monitor.

When is a colonoscopy recommended?

Usually, colonoscopy is performed as a screening test which could detect colorectal cancer. In Malaysia, many people die from this deadly disease. The screening test could save a lot of lives by diagnosing in the starting stages. Colonoscopy may also be recommended by your doctor to evaluate for symptoms such as bleeding and chronic diarrhea.

Can I take my current medications?

When you have a few other diseases like asthma, fevers and more, you would be able to continue your medications. You have to discuss with your doctor because some medicines would not coincide with the colonoscopy treatment.

 What happens during a colonoscopy?

A specialist experienced in this procedure would perform the colonoscopy, and the surgery usually lasts for 30 minutes. Medicines will be given to your vein to influence you to feel casual and sleepy. You will be requested to lie on your left side on the looking at the table. Amid a colonoscopy, the specialist utilizes a colonoscopy, a long, adaptable, tubular instrument around 1/2-inch in measurement that transmits a picture of the covering of the colon so the specialist can look at it for any variations from the norm. The colonoscopy is embedded through the rectum and progressed to the opposite end of the digestive organ.

What occurs after a colonoscopy?

You will be observed until the point when the more significant impacts of the tranquilizers have worn off. You may have some spasm or swelling because of the gas passed through the colon amid the examination. This ought to vanish immediately when you pass gas. Your doctor will clarify the consequences of the investigation to you, even though you’ll most likely need to sit tight for the aftereffects of any biopsies performed.
If you have been given tranquilizers amid the technique, somebody must drive you home and remain with you. Regardless of whether you feel caution after the methodology, your judgment and reflexes could be disabled for whatever is left of the day. You ought to have the capacity to eat after the examination, yet your specialist may confine you’re eating routine and exercises, particularly after polypectomy.

How are polyps removed?

Your specialist may crush small polyps by fulguration or by evacuating them with wire circles called loops or with biopsy instruments. Your specialist will utilize a method called “catch polypectomy” to expel more significant polyps. Your specialist will pass a wire loop through the colonoscopy and expel the polyp from the intestinal divider utilizing an electrical current. You should feel no pain amid the polypectomy.

Are there any post-colonoscopy symptoms I should look for?

Swelling or an impression of gas in the abdomen will pass once you can dispense with the air in the colon. Now and again, you may encounter a follow measure of blood in your stool following your colonoscopy—if you have an issue with hemorrhoids, and so forth. Be that as it may, you start to encounter severe stomach torment, fever, chills, or if the rectal draining is drawn out or over the top if it’s not too much trouble contact your gastroenterologist quickly. These manifestations could show an entanglement that requires prompt attention.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

What effects do smoking have on the urological system?

Smoking nicotine has always been in the news for many reasons, all of the reasons bad. Even though many people understand that it is terrible for the health, it cannot be quite easily because of the addiction it creates in the human body. Smoking causes many diseases like COPD, lung cancer and premature birth for women, brain and heart stroke and much more.

Smoking also causes various diseases to the urological system and can also lead to death. Here are some of the effects mentioned in particular that affects many urological problems due to smoking.

Bladder Cancer

Smoking is a predominant hazard factor for bladder cancer, with a lot of studies demonstrating that smokers have triple the danger of creating bladder disease in contrast to that of nonsmokers. At the point when tobacco smoke is breathed in, around 60 unique cancer-causing agents are taken into the body, a considerable lot of which have been seen in the urine of smokers. At the point when an incessant smoker stops, the danger of bladder tumor drops drastically and keeps on falling for up to 25 years.

Kidney Cancer

Kidney malignancy creates when abnormal cells in the kidney begin to transform and develop wildly and more quickly than typical cells of the human body. Aside from a few connections with hereditary variables, the most common dangers for creating kidney growth are a way of life-related, with smoking being a noteworthy one, especially drawn out smoking. As one thinks, tobacco smoking has delegated a hazard for cancer in every aspect of the upper renal tract: kidney, ureter, and renal pelvis.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is commonly a moderate developing sickness, and won't present any manifestations until the point that it is at a particular arrangement. Studies have demonstrated that smoking adds to irritation of the prostate, expanding the hazard to a worse extent.

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction impacts many men and is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. When the mind has a lot of depression or anxiety, sometimes the penis would not be in an erectile state. One must also have a balanced diet and avoid junk foods which disrupt the body mechanism, and the other is smoking cigarettes. This should not shock anyone since smoking can harm your veins, and it is frequently the consequence of inadequate blood supply to the penis. 

The urological state of erectile dysfunction is more typical as a man gets more seasoned however it can create at any age. A recent report found it was found that it was more probable in men who smoked, and for more youthful men encountering, smoking is likely the reason. By choosing to quit smoking can frequently enhance your vascular movement and thus you would have erectile at the right moment.


Smoking has additionally been connected to many various diseases. Smoking has dependably been emphatically demoralized amid pregnancy, with incalculable examinations demonstrating the potential harm it can cause unborn kids. It had additionally appeared to have an antagonistic effect on ripeness in ladies and cause menstrual problems, and also influence sperm motility (reduces movement of sperm) in men.


When you meet with a specialist to talk about the reason behind your poor bladder control, you will likely be encouraged to stop smoking. When you quit smoking, it could enhance your manifestations fundamentally, or even nearly stop the issue altogether, however merely eliminating the amount you smoke may help, as well.

There is by all accounts a measurements related danger of having overactive bladder indications, for example, recurrence and earnestness, so I would expect that these side effects would enhance as the smoking diminished, including that there is no information demonstrating to what extent it would take to recapture bladder control once you quit smoking.

The pain from urinary incontinence is encouraged to stop smoking keeping in mind the end goal to diminish any unending urine from the urinary tract, which can put weight on the pelvic floor muscles and cause changes in the human self-restraint system.

Poor recuperation after medical procedure for urologic conditions

If that you are a smoker going to have a medical procedure, you ought to know about some additional concerns because, in most surgeries, anesthesia is given to the patient and if they have smoky lungs, the operation cannot have the complete effect on the body. The synthetic substances in tobacco smoke can expand the shot that your bones or tissue may not recuperate well. They likewise bring an expanded possibility of contamination and irritate after a medical procedure.

Smokers have somewhere in the range of 2 to 10 times the hazard for their bones or wounds not recuperating after the medical procedure. They likewise regularly take more time to mend than nonsmokers.

Smoking influences how our bodies mend by changing the way we handle oxygen, confining veins. This makes it troublesome for hemoglobin and oxygen to get to the tissue where they are required. It likewise makes your blood thicker, blocking its course through limited veins.

Smoking does produce a lot of problems for the body. Even though we understand that nicotine is harmful, it is difficult to cultivate a habit to stop smoking immediately because its addiction is equivalent to that of heroin.

Nicotine does not leave a single body part in the body to stay healthy, and it would be better to consider to quit smoking as soon as possible. Once you have stopped, you would be able to experience a healthy lung, like they were when you were young.

Friday, July 13, 2018

How are ureteral stents used in the medical industry?

Ureteral stents are regularly utilized for urological systems to keep up ureteral patency. In any case, close to the advantages of the gadget, indwelling stents much of the time cause noteworthy patient inconvenience (torment, earnestness, recurrence) and can wind up encrusted and contaminated. The significance of these sequelae is that they are vexatious to the patient as well as can prompt huge bleakness, urinary maintenance, ureteral harm, repetitive contaminations, pyelonephritis, and sepsis. At the point when these issues happen, stent expulsion or substitution close by anti-toxin, pain relieving or potentially other side effect altering treatments are fundamental to treat the patient effectively.

While trying to avert such dreariness, various methodologies have been examined in the course of recent decades to adjust the stent itself, along these lines influencing changes locally inside the urinary tract without noteworthy foundational treatment. These methodologies incorporate changes to gadget outline, polymeric arrangement, medicate elution and surface coatings. Of these, sedate elution and surface coatings are the most considered and show the most guarantee for progressing ureteral stent utilize and adequacy. This article surveys these two methodologies in detail to decide their clinical potential and guide future research in the zone.
In spite of the fact that the ideal ureteral stent does not exist, the gadgets keep on improving. As of now, mechanical developments are concentrating on the improvement and advancement of stent plan, material arrangement, elutable substances and surface coatings. Since the two biggest obstacles to overcoming stent-related contamination and encrustation are the persistent statement of host molding film material on the gadget and the potential for a steady transient section of microorganisms into the tract. It is foremost that novel techniques work in a multi-faceted way; that is, focusing on both hostile to fouling and antimicrobial properties all the while.
For sure, numerous procedures depicted thus were relied upon to yield more effective outcomes in light of their achievement in different territories and fields, yet fizzled when tested in an irresistible urinary setting. At last, the achievement may lie in the advancement of different gadgets, each with its particular clinical target, or in one gadget that can all the while consolidating numerous techniques that can work in cooperative energy.
Many patients think of ureteral stents to cause pain in the tract, but till date, no ureteral stent sufficiently addresses the issues of torment, distress, disease, and encrustation related with their utilization. Be that as it may, various methodologies have been utilized trying to do as such, fundamentally the advancement of novel surface coatings and medication elution procedures. This audit centers around these two territories of research to decide their potential in counteracting stent-related contaminations, encrustation, and patient side effects.
Mostly the coatings used in the urinary stents are heparin, carbon, Teflon, hydrophilic, silver, antimicrobial peptides and much more. The coatings provide high durability and avoid transfer of any foreign particle to enter into the body. Doctors have been using stents for a long time which also eradicates the doubt of any disfiguring of parts in the urinary tract.
IBS Medical Equipment is a global provider of medical equipment for various surgeries for urology, gastroenterology, gynecology and much more. We take care of every consignment and ensure our clients receive state-of-the-art products. We also repair the stents and provide hospitals with loaner units, so they never need to stop their services temporarily. We have an in-depth knowledge of medical equipment and provide the best solutions for our clients by ordering from well-known providers like Olympus, Fuji-non, Pentax, and Storz. For more information, visit

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Disease Breathalyzer diagnose cancer and other harmful diseases

This is something from the future when people read the headlines as A Disease Breathalyzer, which sounds something which could be still in its concept stages. But it is not, as Owlstone Medical has found this mighty useful product. Owlstone Medical was into this research for a few years into conceptualizing and creating the Breath Biopsy.

Close to billions would be saved on diagnosis expenditure because these devices could save many thousand people around the world in the healthcare industry. The device diagnoses cancer, inflammatory diseases and other infectious diseases with precision with just a single breath.

At present Owlstone Medical are also developing tests to help diagnose lung and colorectal cancer which are considered as the killers when it comes to cancer and is running on trials with the NHS and Cancer Research UK. The company also supplies Breath Biopsy products and services to academic, clinical and pharma partners who want to develop breath-based diagnostics for their applications.
The Important Challenges
The Breath Biopsy is a super innovation which combines technology and medical science. The most crucial challenge Owlstone Medical faced is that since everyone’s breath is different, the device must analyze the difference in their breath and identify whether there are actual changes in the body. Since the VOCs create an electric current in the breathalyzer, collecting a lot of data infused with medical excellence is very much mandatory to develop a device providing accurate information of the disease present in the body.
Breath Biopsy Conceptualization
When a foreign substance enters our body which affects the health of the body, there would be some definitive changes in the human’s metabolism. The entire metabolism is changed because of alteration in the patterns of volatile metabolites exhaled through the patient’s breath is diagnosed just with a single breath through the disease breathalyzer.

The complex changes because of the chemical transformation that happens in the system take place within the cells of the living organism and sustain life called as metabolism. A countless amount of small and intermediate molecules present in the organisms are known as metabolites.

The metabolites are present in all living systems, the biochemical name for metabolites are called metabolome. Any changes in the human body can be seen in the metabolome making it an essential marker for diseases. The metabolites are the substance which gives precise information about the different changes in different conditions in the human body.
The breathalyzer consists of two Nano layers, one of them is made up of carbon, and the other is not. The non-carbon layer contains modified gold nanoparticles and a series of nanotubes both capable of conducting electricity.

The carbon Nano layer is the sensing layer which analyzes the VOCs mentioned earlier. The first working of the breathalyzer is to determine which VOCs were present by measuring the resistance.
How does the Breath Biopsy Diagnose
The breath analyzer collects non-invasive metabolites and analyses immediately of the volatile fraction of metabolites from the patient’s breath. If there are a real amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), it immediately shows in the biochemical activity and also in the cells and tissues of the human body. The VOCs also contain specific biomarkers which are very much to characterize different disease processes and define an accurate treatment that must be followed for the patient.

When the diffusion of metabolic volatiles takes place in the blood which is later made to the lungs through the air, the air exhaled exhibits VOCs from the human system in the local airways tissue. The breath biopsy would be fast in analyzing the threat in the human body because it is very much sensitive to pulmonary conditions like asthma, COPD, lung cancer and different other problems in the body.

The product is almost complete of its research and would be ready for deployment anytime soon. The entire world would be consuming a disease breathalyzer to diagnose every critical disease that would allow patients to save a lot on diagnosis in the nearby future.